“I shall not Recommend any Seminarian to join the Major Seminary if I realize he forgot Catechism” ,Bishop Kibira Of Kasese Diocese.

By: Felex Sengiyunva

The Bishop of the Diocese of Kasese Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has Urged the faithful to have Catechism on their finger tips.

Presiding over the confirmation ceremony where he administered a sacrament of Confirmation to more than 200 Catholics, today morning at Our Lady of Assumption Kasese Cathedral Parish in Kasese Town, Bishop Kibira said catechists have done and are still doing the catechism but Christians tend to forget the teachings.

Bishop Kibira giving confirmation

He challenged parents of the confirmats saying that Not even them, still recall the ten commandments or even the Sacraments, tasking them to buy catechism books for themselves and their children so that it serves as a tool to keep them reminded about their faith.

Some parents with Confirmats

He added that he will not allow or recommend any seminarian for admissions to Katigondo or Uganda Martyrs Major Seminary Alokolum, or other Major Seminaries if they cannot recall or recite prayers, Mysteries of the Rosary , Ten commandments or any other Teaching they learnt during their catechism trainings, pledging to introduce catechism lessons at the Diocesan St. John’s the Evangelist minor seminary Kiburara, to ensure that every seminarian is well trained, before going ahead with a Priestly formation journey.

Bishop talking to priests about catechism and seminary formation

Emphasizing this same issue, the prelate tested the candidates before their confirmation, with questions from the catechism to prove their readiness to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The questions were about listing and reciting the ten commandments, what
Holy sacraments are, which the candidates he randomly chose, passed well and were gifted with applause to them and their respective catechists since they were from different sub parishes which make up the Cathedral parish.

Some of the Confirmats being tested

Referring to the Bible readings of the day, he encouraged christians to strengthen their faith in order to attract the Holy Spirit , receive the Gifts and God’s presence in their lives.

“There is no challenge you are facing that is Beyond God’s power, it’s just because of our little or complete lack of faith that we suffer. He is able to heal and Provide for us in every way and with everything if we trust him” Bishop Kibira emphasized.

Bishop Kibira finally Called on Christians to Always seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the mother of the Church and Mother of Christians because she’s the channel of every good thing they need as Christians.

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