Observe hygiene to check coronavirus

Based on past records and the way the virus spreads exponentially, it is likely that the numbers are even more, with many going unreported possibly because they have not visited hospitals and have tried to manage the disease at their homes.
The number of deaths was 6,517, with many of those coming from China and Iran, as well as Europe, especially hard hit Italy, France and Spain.

It is clear that many people in Uganda now know what to do to prevent the virus, especially after the Ministry of Health and the media, have been doing great work to inform the public about it.

The Health ministry should be applauded for updating the public about the goings-on and giving them guidelines on how to keep safe from the corona-virus as well as taking measures, including keeping those who might be infected, quarantined or flying foreigners back to their countries.
Nevertheless, a lot more still needs to be done.

While the onus is on the government to guide the population and ensure that measures put in place are adhered to, individuals too have a big role to play in this endeavor.

The first thing we should do is not downplay any step taken towards checking the spread of the virus.

The World Health Organization has declared corona-virus as a pandemic. The disease is spreading very fast. In less than four months, the virus has hit 123 countries. The rate of infection is exponential.

Therefore, we must all take precaution to keep ourselves, families and neighbors safe. Let’s make sure that all facilities that are open to the public such as hospitals, churches, schools, clubs, courts, etc, have sanitizers at their entrances and people made to use them.

Soap and water should be placed at strategic points such as bathrooms, eating areas and such other places to enable people wash their hands.

Surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant.

Families should have meals with foods that boost body immunity as advised by health workers.
Parents and guardians should guide their children on what to avoid. For instance, practices such as shaking hands, hugging and any other form of body contacts must be avoided.

In order to effectively fight corona-virus, we must all be on the same page.