

Dear brothers and sisters in the whole world,
I must thank the almighty God for the gift of intelligence that he has shared with human kind.
Technology has made the world into a small village. The diocese of Kasese has appreciated this important gift by joining the World Wide Web (www) by creating a diocesan website: www.kasesediocese.org.
Through this website, you shall know what that diocese says to the world and what the world says about Kasese. The late, now St. Pope John Paul II who visited Kasese diocese in Feb1993, said “The church that does not use modern means of communication is silent.” Before him, Communio et progresso pointed out that “Modern media offer new ways of confronting people with the message of the Gospel.” (Communio et progresso, n. 26)
Pope Paul VI said that the church ‘would feel guilty before the lord’ if it failed to use the media for evangelization. (Apostolic Exhortation Evangeli Nuntiandi n. 45).Pope John Paul II called the media “the first Areopagus of the modern age” and declared that “it is not enough to use the media simply to spread the Christian message and the Church’s authentic teaching”. It is also necessary to integrate that message into the “new culture” created by modern communication. (Encyclical Redemptoris Missio, n.37)
The Church has a two fold aim in regard to the media. One aspect is to encourage their right development and right use for the sake of human development, justice, and peace for the up-building of society at the local, national and community levels in light of the common good and in a spirit of solidarity.
Second, the Church’s concern also relates to communication in and by the Church herself. In the Church there exists Trinitarian communication which reaches out to human kind. The Son is the word externally “spoken” by the Father, and in and through Jesus Christ, Son and Word made flesh, God communicates Himself and his salvation to women and men (The church and Internet no.3)
To all of you then, I suggest some virtue to use: prudence, Justice, fortitude, courage, temperance among others.
As we join the internet world as upon all other media of social communications, we recall that Christ is the “perfect communicator”. (Communio et progresso, n.11) the norm and model of the Church’s approach to communication as well as the content that the church is obliged to communicate.
Kindly use our website as a sign of solidarity to all the people in the world.

Yours Sincerely,
Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira
Bishop, Diocese of Kasese