By Felex Sengiyunva
Christ the King Sunday, also known as the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is a significant feast day in the Catholic Church liturgy. Celebrated on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, it marks the end of the liturgical year and serves as a bridge to Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas.
Instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, Christ the King Sunday emphasizes Jesus Christ’s sovereignty over all creation. The feast day reminds Catholics of their allegiance to Christ as their King and Lord, and encourages them to live according to His teachings.
During Mass on Christ the King Sunday, the Scripture readings highlight Christ’s kingship and dominion. The Gospel reading often features the famous passage from Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus describes the final judgment, separating the sheep from the goats based on their treatment of the least among them.
The liturgical colours for Christ the King Sunday are white or gold, symbolizing the glory and majesty of Christ’s kingship. This feast day is an opportunity for Catholics to reflect on their relationship with Christ, renew their commitment to following Him, and look forward to the promise of eternal life with Him.”
Christ the King Sunday marks the end of the Ordinary Time period in the Catholic liturgical calendar. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, exactly 34 days before Christmas.
The following Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, marks the beginning of the Advent season. Advent is a four-week period of preparation and anticipation for the birth of Jesus Christ.
In essence, Christ the King Sunday serves as a bridge between Ordinary Time and Advent. It provides a concluding theme for Ordinary Time, emphasizing Christ’s sovereignty and kingdom, while also introducing the Advent theme of preparation and expectation for the coming of Christ.
The connection between Christ the King Sunday and Advent can be summarized as follows:
๐. Christ’s Kingship: Christ the King Sunday emphasizes Christ’s sovereignty and kingdom, which is a fundamental theme in the Catholic faith.
๐. Preparation for Advent: By celebrating Christ’s kingship, Catholics are reminded of the importance of preparing for the coming of Christ, which is the central theme of Advent.
๐. Transition from Ordinary Time: Christ the King Sunday marks the end of Ordinary Time, while Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical season, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the Catholic liturgical calendar.
๐. Eschatological Theme: Both Christ the King Sunday and Advent have an eschatological theme, emphasizing the ultimate triumph of Christ’s kingdom and the importance of being prepared for the final judgment.
By understanding the relationship between Christ the King Sunday and Advent, Catholics can better appreciate the continuity and coherence of the Catholic liturgical calendar.