Author Archives: Communications Commission

Urogynaecological health Camp ends successfully in Kasese diocese, 150 screened, 34 Operated

By: Felex Sengiyunva

Photo by: Felex Sengiyunva

The four days urogyaenacological health camp successfully ended yesterday on 4th July 2024 at Mt St Mary’s Hospital diocese of Kasese in Kasese municipality.

Speaking to Kasese Guide Radio today afternoon at the hospital,Rev. sr. Dr. Priscilla Busingye, a senior consultant urogyaenacologist who also works at St. Francis Nsambya Hospital Kampala said that one hundred fifty women were screened ,thirty four of them were operated because of their major injuries they got giving birth and attained fistula, prolapses and perennial tears. She expressed concern of how it is not pleasing for a woman who give life, to lose life.

Photo by: Felex Sengiyunva

She explained that the patients came from various places and districts like Kigumba, Masindi, Kasese ,Kyenjojo and many others, a fruit of the overwhelming mobilization by the consecrated sisters for the relief of suffering women.

Rev. Sr.Dr. Priscilla called on the general public to care for their bodies and they should always reach out to them for medical help when it is not late. Finally, she thanked the Bishop of the diocese of Kasese Rt.Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira for building Mt. St. Mary’s hospital to help the people, the hospital management and the staff for the good work.


Three priests and five Deacons ordained in Kasese diocese

By: Felex Sengiyunva & Sr. Sarah Muhindo

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese, in Mbarara Ecclesiastical province the Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale ordained three deacons as priests and five seminarians as Deacons on the 29th June 2024 at St. John’s The Evangelist Minor Seminary Kiburara in Kasese District.

Presiding over the ordination Mass, Bishop Kibira began his Homily with a call on Ordinands and All ordained Priests to minimize tendencies of pride for being in the Priestly ministry, uttering it as a devil’s work.

The Bishop added on saying priests don’t have to explain their status to everyone. People should be able to recognize you by your deeds not by saying who you are, Said the Bishop.“I myself didn’t know I will be the Bishop of the Diocese of Kasese, likewise, did you know you will be priests ”quoted the Bishop” Priests were called upon not to use the priesthood gift for pride for it is a special gift from God and is not for everyone.

The Prelate also called on parents to prioritize good parenting for the sustainability of the church as also a way to have responsible citizens, servants and ministers of the church.

The newly ordained priests included Rev. Fr. Fredrick Masereka from Kasanga Parish, Rev. Fr. Moris Thembo from Kasese Parish and Rev. Fr. Ednus Mumbere from Kakone Parish.
Deacons who were ordained were Rev. Dn. William Kule, Rev. Dn. Phillip Mikanyu, Rev. Dn. Landaus Baluku all from Nsenyi Parish and Rev. Dn. Robert Kule, Bukangara Parish and Hillary Katsetsere from Kasanga Parish, and all parishes in the Diocese of Kasese.

Furthermore, the Ordinary called for need of having educated leaders in the church, which he said can be achieved through investing in children’s education, in reference also advising the newly ordained priests and deacons to be obedient to everyone since it’s their effort for the far they have gone with education and then, take good care of the vocation through offering sacrifices as well as listening to advices from their fellow clergy, parents and the public.

The man of God warned parents against practices of domestic Violence and other related bad behaviors which have hindered the economic development and Education in Kasese District.

The diocese of Kasese is one of the youngest diocese in Uganda but for consecutive 20 years, they are have been blessed with priesthood vocations and other young men joining religious congregation like the Capuchin Missionaries, Holy Cross and Many others.

The Kasese District Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Florence Kabugho, present at the function, appreciated priests and Deacons for the milestone achieved, and asked all Christians to pray and support them in their ministry.

The Anti – Human trafficking campaign launched in Kasese Diocese

By: Sr. Sarah Muhindo and Felex Sengiyunva

Religious Sisters of the Holy Cross have launched the Anti – Human trafficking campaign in Kasese diocese.

The Anti – Human trafficking campaign was launched on Sunday 23rd June 2024 by the Religious Sisters Of the Holy Cross under their Umbrella , Association Of Religious In Uganda (ARU) in the Diocese of Kasese during a gathering that aimed at sensitizing community members about the rising cases of human trafficking, in Kisinga.

This activity attracted a massive audience after the anti-human trafficking committee had made partnership with Kasese Guide Radio. The network used Kasese Guide Radio staff to stage a live local play , commonly known as “Omukekera” against human trafficking which attracted thousands of people that was their target audience to pass their information.

The Crowd of people who attended

Sr. Semerita Mbambu , Diocese of Kasese during the launching exercise, asked the young people and those who have fallen victims of human trafficking, to get skilled courses within their home country that will help them to sustain themselves than going to oversees for jobs where they end up being mistreated ,and others murdered.

The Association of Religious Sisters In Uganda ,ARU is running various religious networks funded by the Conrad Hilton Foundation, where The Anti – Human trafficking network and campaign lies, spearheaded by the Sisters Of the Holy Cross who have formed different committees in all the Nineteen Catholic Dioceses In Uganda.

Members of the Religious association

The United Arab Emirates is a destination country for men and women that are mostly trafficked for the purposes of labor according to research.
Women from Uganda, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Pakistan, and the Philippines travel willingly to the U.A.E. and Arab states of the Persian Gulf to work as domestic servants, but some subsequently face conditions of involuntary servitude such as excessive work hours without pay, unlawful withholding of passports, restrictions on movement, non-payment of wages, and physical or sexual abuse at the hands of their employers.

 In 2014 March, Pope Francis launched the Interfaith Global Freedom Network to fight human trafficking with Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby and initiated the Santa Marta Group, an international coalition of senior law enforcement chiefs and leaders of the Catholic Church working with civil society to end human trafficking. He also developed the #End Slavery movement to investigate how human trafficking can be eliminated.

Catholic social teaching proclaims the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of all human life.  Each person is made in the image of God, is loved immeasurably by Him, and has inherent worth.

“I shall not Recommend any Seminarian to join the Major Seminary if I realize he forgot Catechism” ,Bishop Kibira Of Kasese Diocese.

By: Felex Sengiyunva

The Bishop of the Diocese of Kasese Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has Urged the faithful to have Catechism on their finger tips.

Presiding over the confirmation ceremony where he administered a sacrament of Confirmation to more than 200 Catholics, today morning at Our Lady of Assumption Kasese Cathedral Parish in Kasese Town, Bishop Kibira said catechists have done and are still doing the catechism but Christians tend to forget the teachings.

Bishop Kibira giving confirmation

He challenged parents of the confirmats saying that Not even them, still recall the ten commandments or even the Sacraments, tasking them to buy catechism books for themselves and their children so that it serves as a tool to keep them reminded about their faith.

Some parents with Confirmats

He added that he will not allow or recommend any seminarian for admissions to Katigondo or Uganda Martyrs Major Seminary Alokolum, or other Major Seminaries if they cannot recall or recite prayers, Mysteries of the Rosary , Ten commandments or any other Teaching they learnt during their catechism trainings, pledging to introduce catechism lessons at the Diocesan St. John’s the Evangelist minor seminary Kiburara, to ensure that every seminarian is well trained, before going ahead with a Priestly formation journey.

Bishop talking to priests about catechism and seminary formation

Emphasizing this same issue, the prelate tested the candidates before their confirmation, with questions from the catechism to prove their readiness to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The questions were about listing and reciting the ten commandments, what
Holy sacraments are, which the candidates he randomly chose, passed well and were gifted with applause to them and their respective catechists since they were from different sub parishes which make up the Cathedral parish.

Some of the Confirmats being tested

Referring to the Bible readings of the day, he encouraged christians to strengthen their faith in order to attract the Holy Spirit , receive the Gifts and God’s presence in their lives.

“There is no challenge you are facing that is Beyond God’s power, it’s just because of our little or complete lack of faith that we suffer. He is able to heal and Provide for us in every way and with everything if we trust him” Bishop Kibira emphasized.

Bishop Kibira finally Called on Christians to Always seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the mother of the Church and Mother of Christians because she’s the channel of every good thing they need as Christians.

Courtesy photo


Centenary Bank-Kasese donates relief items to IDPs at Bwitho Primary school

By: Peter Masereka

By Peter Masereka,

Centenary Bank-Kasese Branch has on Monday donated food and nonfood relief items to the internally displaced people recently at Bwitho Primary school now encamped at Kyalhumba Catholic Parish, in Kyalhumba town council.

The relief items worth 15 million shillings under the Banks Cooperate social responsibility include, 900kg of maize flour, 1500 of cassava flour, 173 blankets and 40 boxes of soap among others.

Speaking to our reporter shortly after Mass at Kyalhumba Catholic Parish, Centenary Bank Regional manager, Mr. James Katamba who represented the managing director Mr. Fabian Kasi sympathized with the affected families, encouraging them to engage in tree planting as one way to combat global warming. Mr. James speaking …….

Mr. Selevano Masereka, the Manager Kasese main branch asked their clients whose businesses were destroyed during disasters to follow the rightful procedures so that Insurance can compensate their loans.

Mr. Selevano speaking ……..

In his homily while presiding over Holy Mass to the internally displaced people, the Kyalhumba Parish priest Rev. Fr. Cosmas Asaba Musungu reported that the camp has over 220 households, among them traders and Forty Catechists.Fr. Cosmas speaking …..

The Area Member of Parliament Hon. Harold Tonny Muhindo commended the Ministry of works and transport for bringing machinery to begin reconstruction of the destroyed stracture.Hon. Harold speaking……

More will come in our subsequent news broadcast. END.