
KGR – ROLA donates Relief items to NOTEDEC and IDPs in Kyalhumba Sub-county.

By: Sr. Sarah and Felex Kasese Guide Radio – Registered Online Listeners Association, in short, KGR-ROLA recently donated scholastic Materials to Nzirambi Orphanage Talent Development Center also known as NOTEDEC and Internally Displaced People due to disasters in Kasese District. During this donation that was done previously last week on Sunday 9th June 2024 at

Observe hygiene to check coronavirus

Based on past records and the way the virus spreads exponentially, it is likely that the numbers are even more, with many going unreported possibly because they have not visited hospitals and have tried to manage the disease at their homes. The number of deaths was 6,517, with many of those coming from China and

Bishop Francis A. Kibira on Cathedral construction.

15th March 2020 Diocese Of Kasese. Thousands of people most of them believers in Christ graced the celebration of the first Holy Mass at the new Kasese Cathedral Church under construction with a call on believers to build their faith on a strong foundation of Christ. Presiding over a homily, the Bishop for Diocese of